Ebola's Den

It be Ebola Granola Pizza Pazola

And now, a full list of accepted pop/soda/coke.

Coca Colas Pepsi Cola (GARBAGE) Soda MILKY BOYS Actual Garbage Hipster Trash HEALTHY Trash
Coke with actual cocaine Pepsi Mountain Dew Milk Red Bull Spicy Latte Pumpkin SmartWater
Coke Classic (RECOMMENDED) Pepsi Crystal Mountain Dew Voltage Chocolate Milk Monster Overpriced Coffee Apple Juice
New Coke Pepsi Diet Mountain Dew Code Red Strawberry Milk Rockstar Decaf Orange Juice
Diet Coke Pepsi Blue Mountain Dew Supernova Banana Milk Starbuck's Frappacino Coffee Dole
Modern Coke (ALSO RECOMMENDED) Pepsi Next Mountain Dew Whiteout MILK2GO Human Urine Mocha Gaterade
Cherry Coke Pepsi Lime 7Up Mcdonalds Milk Poison Latte G2
Cherry Coke Pepsi Max 7Up Diet Cream Limeonade Shirley Temple WHOLESOME Milk
Vanilla Coke Pepsi Cherry 7Up Cherry Milkshakes Antifreeze + Gaterade Ice Tea Vitamin Water
Cherry Vanilla Coke Crush Orange Sprite Floats STRONG coffee Nestea Green Tea
Dr. Pepper Crush Creme Soda Sprite Vanilla Ice Cream Water + a bit of Juice Water Eggnog
Dr. Pepper Cherry Crush Grape Sprite Cherry Yogurt Satan Juice Powerade Macha Green Tea
Dr. Pepper Diet Crush Lime Fanta Orange Spoiled Milk Fanta Creme Soda Carbonated Water Kumbucha (no idea how you spell that.)
Coke Zero Crush Pineapple Fanta Grape REALLY spoiled milk Freska Anything not on this list Coconut Water